03 April, 2009

Letter to the IMF about Latvia

Jens Henriksson, and

Jarle Bergo

International Monetary Fund

1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW


DC, 20431

I write to the International Monetary Fund to communicate the responsibility the IMF must have with regards to its monetary support for the economy of Latvia. I request a reply to this letter.

I am very concerned that the IMF is issuing loans to Latvia without taking the opportunity to protect the people of Latvia whom are the people whos taxes must be collected to repay the loans. My own children ar amoungst this group.

The Rule of Law in Latvia is under-developed for the benefit of the ministers of Latvia with whom the IMF is dealing with. Latvian leaders in government have a proven track record of not performing professionally and the IMF is contributing to this culture by providing money to them. There is no doubt that the Latvian leaders will further waste Latvian money and then seek to fill the gap with IMF money.

The citizens of Latvia do not have strong anti corruption laws to rely on to be able to do enough to prevent corruption. But the IMF will expect these same citizens to repay the IMF loans. The IMF must be more responsible before issuing loans to Latvia and impose conditions on the Latvian government to impliment extensive anti corruption laws drafted by the IMF.

I therefore strongly recommend that the IMF only issue loans with conditions that provide Latvians the protection of the Rule of Law. I further strongly suggest that the IMF loans are denominated in Latvian Lats as the IMF is imposing currency restraints on Latvia.

I will pursue a legal claim against the IMF if I and my children and all residents of Latvia are not given extensive legal rights in Latvia to prevent corruption in Latvia. Without these rights the IMF is fueling corruption and making the situation worse for us all.


Dean Strautins


Australian Chamber of Commerce in Riga
Suite 11, Krisjana Barona iela 25
Riga, Latvia, LV-1011
Mob +371 2639 4789
Fax +371 6342 1704